When a Vietnam vet turned lawyer embarks with his clients on a high-stakes quest for justice, he encounters explosive conflict, a dash of romance, and the moral complexities of revenge. The result is an exhilarating thriller that blends the intrigue of a Caribbean treasure hunt with electrifying action and historical insight.

Dan Mayland, author of The Colonel’s Mistake

In parts treasure hunt, high seas adventure, legal drama, and armed conflict, Shadow Islands launches an exciting ride from the political intrigue of the Iran-Contra affair. CWP Jones delivers his thoroughly engaging tale with intelligent prose, dry wit, and exotic flights of imagination. A debut novel not to be missed!

V.S. Kemanis, author of Power Blind

With stops in Belize, Miami and obscure parts of the Caribbean, a lawyer’s pursuit of justice and revenge leads to the Shadow Islands. Along the way, we’re treated to a compelling plot and captivating characters, leavened with humanity and humor.

Bill Sonn, author of Something Like Treason